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Dr Suzanne Joy Stuart, PhD ND

CONTACT: 817-642-3014


There are a lot of gluten-free myths out there.

Personal consultations - Mention is article - Ask about phone or in office discount.

MYTH 1: Vinegar is not gluten-free.

Truth: Most vinegars are gluten-free.
The exceptions are malt vinegar and "flavored" vinegars, which have stuff added to them after the distillation process. Purchase ORGANIC VINEGAR.

MYTH 2: Alcohol from grain sources are not gluten-free.

Truth: The distillation process removes the gluten. Alcohols that are distilled are usually the hard liquor such as Brandy Whisky, Rum, Vodka. Beer is NOT distilled and does contain gluten (unless you get one of the brands of Gluten Free Beer - Avoid ALL Wheat beer for sure.)

MYTH 3: Envelope glue has gluten.

Truth: I have not seen any proof that it does happen, though it still could. But, seriously, why would you want to put that stuff on your tongue anyways? Dab a little water on it and spread it around, and you're set to go.

MYTH 4: All Oats are unhealthy.

Truth: The main problem with oats is the way they are cultivated and handled.

Most are planted along with some stray wheat seeds, grown in fields previously growing wheat, harvested by a machine that harvested wheat, stored in a silo that stored wheat... ALL non-Organic Oats.

Gluten-free Oats available from a few companies, which are Organic.

Gluten-Free Oats are both certified GF by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (they are very thorough.)

Bob's Red Mill Organic GF oats that they test - watch out, because they also have non-organic non-GF oats (from the non-GF facility.)

There is a small percentage of people with Celiac Disease who appear to have an immune reaction to oats, similar to gluten.

For this reason, it is suggested that you be GF for a year and have negative antibodies before trying GF oats. Then try some, no more than a half cup (uncooked measurement) two times a week or less for awhile.

Your body will not be used to this type of fiber, so it may cause a few abdominal problems while your body readjusts to the fiber.

MYTH 5: All baking supplies are created equal.

Truth: There is a lot of variation in baking supplies.

Clabbergirl and Rumford baking powders work differently (they are made by the same company).
We suggest ALUMINUM FREE BAKING POWDER - Available in health food stores and some supermarkets.

One brand of xanthan gum is less effective than other brands (and some people like it that way.)

Not all flours are ground the same, and they often taste different (especially bean and sorghum flours) from brand to brand.
They may even absorb water at different rates.
just because a recipe doesn't work right for you doesn't mean the recipe is wrong - you are probably just using different brands of ingredients than the previous person.

MYTH 6: The "Low Gluten-Host" (for Catholics) has gluten.

Truth: In regards to the Benedictine Sisters' host, the term "low gluten" is basically a technicality to circumvent [Catholic] Canon Law.
Canon Law requires "sufficient gluten to attain the confection of bread"-in other words, to stick together.

The Benedictine Sister's host sticks together.
It is made of highly purified wheat starch. It tests negative for gluten to the level it can be tested. But, since there is no way to test that there is not even ONE molecule of gluten in it, the [Catholic] Church is allowing the assumption that there is, and that, since it sticks together, that's enough.

There is NOT however, enough gluten to trigger the Celiac immune response.
The host is safe.

The only reason it isn't termed gluten free is to allow it to fit into a loophole in Canon Law. (As written by Bobbie Coughlin, co-chair of the Hartford Celiac Support Group, and host of the On-line Celiac Support Group at Delphi Forums.)
For more information, contact the Catholic Celiac Society.

For those of you who are not Catholic, but take a sacrament or communion, there are other alternatives.

EnerG makes gluten-free communion wafers. Many churches will allow rice cakes (choose a safe one like Lundberg - AVOID Quaker), gluten-free crackers, or let you bring in homemade gf bread.
Talk to your pastor/preacher/bishop/whomever to see what will work best for you.

MYTH 7: All Alcohol is Gluten Free.

Truth: The only alcohol beverages that are GF are distilled alcohols, such as whisky, rum, vodka, gin; beer is Not GF unless stated on package and in listed ingredients.

MYTH 8: Corn is Gluten Free

Truth: Corn is GF; however, we strongly suggest only using Organic NON-GMO (genetically modified organism) Corn products.

All Corn and Soy products and their by-products that are Not Organic are packed with harmful chemicals and pesticides and are GMO foods, which are quite harmful to your health.

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