S.Susanna Joy PhD
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Dr Suzanne Joy S Stuart ND PhD Naturopath Doctor

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Naturopathist - Holistic Nutritionist
 Homeopath - Life Health Coach
Dr Suzanne Joy Stuart, PhD ND

CONTACT: 817-642-3014


Are the result from excess sugars / sweets and carbohydrates that convert to sugars thus causing or contributing factors, which increase high levels of glucose in your blood.


Greatly reduce or completely avoid high glycemic foods and sweets.

Consume Chromium, an essential micronutrient for carbohydrate and fat metabolism, Chromium can increase the effectiveness of insulin. This mineral is a blood sugar regulator.

* GTF Chromium is the best / ideal chromium for blood sugar regulation. Avoid all Chromium that contains: Magnesium Stearate, Steric Acid Vegetarian Stearate (Derived from Corn or Rice starch) in or any fillers, additives

Chromium containing 200 mcg. is a healthy choice and most effective when taken one to three times per day with food. There are different sources of chromium such as GTF, piclonate, etc. Your hair mineral testing will indicate your level of chromium. Confer with your health care professional for guidance on which source and micro-gram dosage is most suitable for you.

Consume Chromium, an essential micronutrient for carbohydrate and fat metabolism, Chromium can increase the effectiveness of insulin.

Suggested Chromium Rich Foods such as brewer's yeast -

WHOLE GRAINS: fresh whole corn, kamut berries, oat, rice, rye, spelt berries, wheat berries, and whole grain cereals.

MEAT and FISH: turkey, beef (preferably free range) and liver, seafood, clams, oysters and other shellfish.

FRUITS: apples, banana, grapes, raisins, tomato.

VEGETABLES and Tubers: beet, broccoli, basil, chili (fresh), garlic, green pepper, lettuce( avoid iceberg - it tears at stomach lining), mushroom, onion, potato, spinach.

AVOID cooking food over 118 degrees. High heat temperatures destroy all mineral content in the food; steaming is perfect since mineral content is preserved.

Additional information visit web site www.NaturallyBalancedHealth.com go to articles page.

Information from an holistic medical site online:


* Chromium is essential for the catabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
* It increases the biological action of insulin, thus promoting the use of glucose by the body cells and tissues as their energy source. It indirectly helps to maintain the blood glucose level.
* Considering the aforementioned fact, chromium supplement, for example, chromium picolinate is used for managing the symptoms of diabetes and insulin resistance.
* Chromium helps in activation of several enzymes that are necessary for carrying out various metabolic processes.
* According to research, chromium enhances the production of fatty acids and good cholesterol.
* Chromium, if provided in adequate amounts, can help in preventing high blood pressure.


* A deficiency of chromium may lead to the symptoms of insulin resistance.
* An excessive intake of chromium supplements can cause hypoglycemia and / or glucose intolerance, especially among type 2 diabetic patients.
* The side effects of chromium supplements are rare in healthy individuals. But, according to some researchers, chromium supplements may cause damage to the genetic materials. Hence, it is always advisable to include healthy food that contain chromium in the diet plan rather than administering chromium supplements.

Since chromium is a micronutrient, consuming food products rich in chromium can help resolve any deficiency symptoms. For safety purposes, one should always consult a qualified physician before opting for chromium supplements.


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TX: Naturally Balanced Health: Naturally Balanced Health - Holistic Wellness
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