Dr Suzanne Joy S Stuart ND PhD Naturopath Doctor
Holistic Nutritionist
Colon Cleansing Detox
Wellness Health Intuitive
MyoFascial Release
Massage Therapy
Mind-Body Therapy
Pain & Trauma
Soul Counseling
"Holistic Wellness"
You Deserve Quality Health & Healing
S Suzanne Joy Stuart, LMT MTI CHT CHt PhD ND
Naturopathic Doctor / Holistic Nutritionist
Homeopathist * Kinesiologist * Massage Therapist / MFR
924 Gaye Lane
e-mail: b.healthy4.life@earthlink.net
Naturopath Doctor, Holistic Nutritionist, Homeopathy
Colon Cleansing Detox - Colon Hydro Therapist
Health Coach, Life Spiritual Coaching,
Acne - facial, torso - back, chest or buttocks, limbs
Allergies internal or topical - sinus, symptoms, testing: foods, environment, molds & fungus
Arteries - health improvement
Arthritis - joint ailments, osteoporosis, polymyalgia rhuematica, rheumatoid arthritis
Auto Immune - Immune deficiency, liver
Bladder / Kidney - incontinence, infections, stones
Cancer - holistic solutions
Candida / Yeast
Colon Cleansing Detox
Health ailments ad imbalances
Detox, Flushes, Fasts and or Cleanses for Colon, Liver, Gallbladder, Yeast/Candida, Total body,
Stomach / Digestive Disorders - acid reflex, esophageal, heartburn, indigestion
Ear Candling / Auriculotherapy - Ear Candling - anti-fungal / anti-bacterial
Gallbladder - stones, dietary changes
Glands - Adrenals, Thyroid, Thymus
Elimination ailments - bowel ailments: bloated belly, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, flatulence, hemorrhoids
Female or Male specific health concerns - libido
Hair loss
Headache / Dizziness
High Blood Pressure
Hormones - imbalance estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, PSA
Healthy Eating - vegetarian or non-vegetarian
Immune deficiency
Inflammatory ailments
Kidney problems - stones
Menopause or menstrual /menses issues
Menses imbalances
Mineral imbalance and Toxic Metals - deficiency, malabsorption
Muscular dysfunction - spasms, aches, pains, swelling
Nutrition - various programs for specific issues including Solar Nutrition
Pain & Trauma - MFR/MT
Pharmaceutical drugs - conversion to holistic remedies
Post Pregnancy / Breast pain
Skin ailments - acne, rash, rosacea
Thyroid - Hypo or Hyper
Toxicity - metals or chemicals, detoxification
Virus i.e. - herpes, HPV
Weight - overweight, obesity, healthier diet
Yeast Infection
LAB TESTING - ABO blood type, hormones, mineral imbalances, toxic metals, adrenals, thyroid plus ordered lab tests.
Stress Relief
Sports Massage
Pain & Trauma Release
Foot Reflexology
Relaxation, Swedish
Cranial Sacral,
Somatic Emotional
Oriental Back-walking
Energy & Balancing
Mind/Body Memory Restructure Alignment Therapy
Hydrotherapy & Cryotherapy
If your health concern is not listed, please contact 817-642-3014
Detox -- Flushes - Fasts & Cleanses - Colon, Gall Bladder, Kidney, Liver, Parasite, Yeast, Whole Body
Meditation - training
Weight & Diet Personal Programs
Parasite Elimination
Cellulite Reduction & Elimination
Physiological Conditioning
Stretching and Exercise
Foot Reflexology - course & testing program at UTA
Nutrition - various programs
Color therapy and body reading for health issues
Wellness / Health Intuitive Body Reading and Guidance
Pet healthy nutrition and food choices
Go to EVENTS / CLASSES page for upcoming programs
Our desire is that everyone become healthier through holistically safe approaches.
Dr Susanne Joy Stuart is tested and certified:
American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA)
Texas State Naturopathic Medical Association, (TSNMA)
International Association Colon Hydro Therapy (I-ACT)
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP)
Nationally Certified Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist
Texas State Registered Massage Therapy (TXMT)
Texas State Registered Massage Therapy Instructor (TXRMTI)
Naturally Balanced Health / Dr S Suzanne Joy Stuart was honored and recognized by:
various newspapers: Pueblo Chieftain, Canon Daily Record, Wet Mountain News, Fort Worth Star Telegram, Arlington Star Telegram, Arlington Daily News, Massage and Bodywork magazine, American Airline magazine.
various radio and television programs: (current 12/18) Biz TV TX
In addition she has written articles for local and national newspapers and periodicals.
Hypnotherapy (CHT)
Certified Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist
Eastern Institute of Hypnotherapy
May 1998 (training and full testing)
Colon Hygiene Institute (CT):
Colon Health HydroTherapy (training, tested & internship)
Austin, TX,
May - July 1995
Clinical Internship (MFRT):
MyoFascial Release - John Barnes
Sedona, AZ
Dec 1994
MyoFascial Release Therapy: Training & Internship
MyoFascial Release Treatment Center - John Barnes
Houston. TX, Sedona AZ
Oct 1993 - Oct 1994 and Oct 1995
Clayton School Natural Healing:
Doctor of Naturopathy
Birmingham, AL
Oct 1993 - Nov 1994 Summa Cum Laude
Primary Focuses: Immune Deficiency/Cancer
Clinical Hypnosis:
Awareness Enrichment Center
Dallas, TX
Oct 1989
Tarrant County Jr. College:
Hypnosis (primary basics)
Fort Worth, TX
Mar 1989
Massage Therapy (LMT):
Dallas Professional Massage Studies
Dallas, TX
Aug 1986 - Feb 1987
Adelphi Univ. and Hofstra Univ. (English Literature)
Garden City & Hempstead, NY
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA):
University of Oklahoma - Theatre Arts
Norman, OK
Aug 1969 - Jul 1972
© Copyright (1997-2022)
TX: Naturally Balanced Health: Naturally Balanced Health - Holistic Wellness
All Articles, Information, Logos, and trademarks connected with every page are the intellectual property of Dr. Suzanne Joy Stuart,
Ph.D. ND and cannot be reused or resold without her prior consent. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.