S.Susanna Joy PhD
Soul-2-Soul Guidance Spiritual Counseling

Dr Suzanne Joy S Stuart ND PhD Naturopath Doctor

Holistic Nutritionist


Colon Cleansing Detox

Wellness Health Intuitive

MyoFascial Release

Massage Therapy

Mind-Body Therapy

Pain & Trauma



Soul Counseling


Naturopathist - Holistic Nutritionist
 Homeopath - Life Health Coach
Dr Suzanne Joy Stuart, PhD ND
CONTACT: 817-642-3014




Mother Nature's natural sweeteners are healthier choices to assist with weight loss and dietary guidelines. Use these sweeteners instead of sugar. All Sugars are detrimental to your health because they contribute to obesity, increase the risk of diabetes, exhausted adrenal glands and thyroid. Artificial sweeteners are pure poison and are known to cause a vast number of health issues including heart and weight gain.
Health-conscious people have relied on nature's sweeteners to keep their food and beverages sweet and tasty. The most popular forms of nature's sweeteners are:

#1 YACON - syrup or dried slices, which can be ground into powder.
Yacon syrup is derived from the Yacon plant, a tuber, found in the Andean region of South America. The syrup is plant based thus vegan and a good alternative for diabetics and vegetarians who want to avoid the high sugar content of maple syrup or honey. Yacon syrup is glucose free, is naturally low in calories and low non-glycemic, thus any sugars remaining in the plant that are not FOS are absorbed slowly into the bloodstream Aids digestion and helps to stimulate the colon.

Coconut sugar (also known as coco sugar, coconut palm sugar or coco sap sugar) is a sugar produced from the sap of cut flower buds of the coconut palm. Palm sugar is rich in nitrogen, which can benefit a person with Cancer or heart disease. It is a low glycemic non-fructose sweetener that is the perfect alternative to agave syrup, stevia and cane sugar. Great for baking and replacing other sugars.

#3 STEVIA - natural green plant home grown (not processed white liquid or powder)
The Stevia plant that is grown in your home garden is ten times healthier than the processed procedure to turn the green leafy plant into a white powder or clear liquid sweetener. Stevia plant pieces can be added to tea, coffee, sweets and other foods. Since it's low in calories, it's the ideal option for those who want to lose weight. It also has other health benefits such as treating diabetes, hypertension, dental problems, dermatitis, acne, stomach ache, digestive problems and flu. With so many health benefits, stevia is one of the best natural sweeteners.

#4 STEVIA - Processed white liquid or powder not in original state.
Many folks prefer to purchase Stevia from their locale health or grocery store. It can be safely used in tea, coffee, sweets and other foods. Since it's low in calories, it's the ideal option for those who want to lose weight. It also has other health benefits such as treating diabetes, hypertension, dental problems, dermatitis, acne, stomach ache, digestive problems and flu. 

#5 MAPLE SYRUP - Grade B organic
Most people think about using maple syrup only when they are baking bread or pancakes; however, it can be used as a substitute for sugar in many ways. It can be used for making cookies, cakes and many such sweets, as well as a topping for toasts, ice-creams and pancakes. It is known that maple syrup can bring many benefits to the body, including promoting the health of the heart, boosting the immune system, lowering the risk of prostrate cancer and others. One tsp each of maple syrup and cacao mixed into cup of black coffee is a wonderful hormone booster between 7:00 -9:00 AM.

#6 HONEY - uncooked. Heated/cooked honey health benefits and nutrients are destroyed and the chemical composition is as bad as white sugars.

AVOID honey if you have Diabetes or Hypoglycemia
Raw honey is a natural sweetener that is easily available. Honey has been used as a sugar substitute for centuries. You can mix it in milk or spread it on bread for a great breakfast. Since it has a low glycemic index, it's ideal for those who want to lose weight. If you're trying to lose weight, you should take some honey every morning. Honey is rich in antioxidants, which can protect your body from a variety of illnesses. It can also treat insomnia, beautify the skin, help wounds heal and promote digestion.

Though it's called "date sugar," this sweetener is not a form of sugar. It's actually an extract taken from dehydrated dates. Date sugar is widely used as a substitute for regular sugar, because it is a healthier alternative. It contains essential minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and selenium, and it's effective in improving cognitive functions, maintaining healthy blood pressure, enhancing immune system and relieving migraine, asthma and sore muscles.

Agave extract is taken from the agave plant, and it's usually converted into syrup. It tastes similar to honey, and it's available in the dark or light variety. Agave also has a low glycemic index, and therefore, it takes more time for it to get absorbed into the bloodstream. This property of agave extract makes it the ideal option for those who want to lose weight the natural way. It has been proven that agave extract can relieve inflammations, enhance the immune system, lower the risk of cancer and improve the absorption of certain nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium and isoflavones.

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