S.Susanna Joy PhD
Soul-2-Soul Guidance Spiritual Counseling

Dr Suzanne Joy S Stuart ND PhD Naturopath Doctor

Holistic Nutritionist


Colon Cleansing Detox

Wellness Health Intuitive

MyoFascial Release

Massage Therapy

Mind-Body Therapy

Pain & Trauma



Soul Counseling


Naturopathist - Holistic Nutritionist
 Homeopath - Life Health Coach
Dr Suzanne Joy Stuart, PhD ND

CONTACT: 817-642-3014


Questions Answered Prior to Colonic Hydrotherapy
Educate Your Mind Improve Your Health.


1. What is colon hydrotherapy?

2. What is the difference between a colonic, colon hydrotherapy, and colonic irrigation?

3. Why is colon therapy / colon cleaning so important?

4. What are the specific benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy?

5. What about enemas, suppositories, or laxatives?

6. Will one session empty the colon? How many sessions will I need?

7. How often should I have a colonic?

8. Do I need to fast before a colonic?

9. Will this benefit me as part of a fasting program?

10. How do I prepare for a colonic? What can I eat and not eat before or after a colonic?

11. Is colon hydrotherapy dangerous in any way? Is there any possibility of contamination from prior use of the colon hydrotherapy machine or tubing?

12. Is colon hydrotherapy painful?

13. Is colon hydrotherapy embarrassing?

14. What about the insertion of the tubing (speculum)? Does that hurt and how far into the body does it go?

15. How about the treatment itself? What is it like and what will I feel?

16. How long does a colonic take?

17. Will I lose weight?

18. How much of the intestines are actually cleansed during a colon hydrotherapy session?

19. What can I expect afterwards?

20. After a colonic, will I need to be close to the toilet all day?

21. Can I go to work after a colonic?

22. Will I experience any intestinal discomfort or fatigue after my treatment?

23. What kind of supplements should I take after my session? Will I need to take probiotics (because the good intestinal flora has been washed out of the colon)?

24. After my colon is clean, then what?

25. Can I have a colonic if I am having a period?

26. Can I have a colonic if I am pregnant?

27. How soon after the childbirth can I have a colonic? Can I have one while I am nursing?

28. Are colonics habit forming? Will I become dependant on them?

29. Will a colonic make me constipated or give me diarrhea?

30. Will colonics upset my electrolyte balance?

31. After years of constipation and/or laxative use, is it possible to rebuild my colon so that I can go to the bathroom regularly again?

32. Five Essential Steps to Regaining Healthy Bowel Function:

33. What are some other ways to cleanse?

34. Are colonics covered by my medical insurance?

35. Should I see my doctor before my first colon hydrotherapy session and are there any contra-indications for doing treatments?

36. Indications and Contra-Indications for Colon Hydrotherapy

#1 - (Q) What is colon hydrotherapy?

(A) Colon Hydrotherapy (a.k.a. colonic, colon cleansing and colonic irrigation) is a naturally holistic safe, effective method of removing impacted, putrefied waste material from the large intestine, without the use of drugs. Using triple filtered and temperature regulated water into the colon. Waste matter / fecal is softened and loosened enabling adequate evacuation through natural peristalsis (the muscular contractions that move waste material through the intestines). The inflow of a small stream of water and the release of waste matter and water is continuously repeated thus inducing unhealthy matter to evacuate large intestines. The removal of waste encourages better colon function and elimination. The FDA approved ANGEL OF WATER; state-of-the-art Colon Hydro-Therapy equipment ensures you an easy and holistically safe approach towards healthy elimination of toxic debris. Colon Hydro-Therapy is one of the most effective ways of cleansing the lower intestinal tract (colon) and detoxifying the overall system.

#2 - (Q) What is the difference between a colonic, colon hydrotherapy, and colonic irrigation?

(A) All of these terms describe the cleansing of the colon. All of these terms describe the cleansing of the colon. I prefer the term Colon Hydrotherapy, which is the same term applied through International Association for Colon HydroTherapy (I-ACT) and with whom I have been tested and certified as a Colon Hydro Therapist. All terminology is acceptable.

#3 - (Q) Why is colon therapy / colon cleaning so important?

(A) With colon hydrotherapy, you cleanse the colon by breaking down toxic material and removing it. While it is true that out bodies come equipped with self-cleansing systems and mechanisms, it is also true that what those systems are now up against is far greater than what they were designed to deal with. In situations beyond our control, we are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis at work, in the home, through the air we breathe, our food and water supply, and through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, completely within our control, we are consuming more non-food: sugar loaded, highly processed and nutritionally deprived and poisonous foods (such as soda pop) than ever before in human history - the majority of our diseases are 'diseases of the fork. More than 90% of health related ailments are caused or contributed by what we place in our mouth, mostly unhealthy consumption choices. We consistently and regularly abuse our bodies not just with various stimulants and sedatives but also with addictions to excess unhealthy food and beverage consumption. While the lungs, skin, kidneys and liver also serve to eliminate toxins, your colon serves as your primary organ of elimination - trying to push out the residual sludge after a day or longer of digestion, which is basically a continuation of the cooking process (your body is around 100degrees inside). Over cooked foods at high temperatures along with incorrect food combining causes serious thick toxic waste accumulation within the digestive and elimination tract. Numerous health ailments compound from poor eating habits, which the end result winds up a clogged and or poor functioning elimination from the large intestine Think about it - we brush our teeth every day, at least once or twice, and we still go the dentist every six months for a deeper cleaning... your colon is the opposite end of the same tube without the benefit of daily brushing or proper cleansing or healthier consumption choices that would naturally lead to proper fecal elimination.! Through colon cleansing, you are reducing the abundance of the old, odorous, gaseous, bacteria and parasite forming toxicity in your body and finally allowing your liver to function more efficiently.
This is similar to maintaining your car: changing the oil on a regular basis. Historically, colon cleansing has existed in various cultures and the knowingness of healthier food consumptions of greater propensity of vegetables as exist in one tribal area of SA. In the book, Essene Gospel of Peace Book I from the third century, there was a passage in that spiritual book about the people utilizing reeds and a gourd by the river to cleanse their colon. The cleansing passage continues and states "this water cleanse will free the body from disease and uncleanness's." Many people have experienced that when they ensure that their colon is cleansed and rejuvenated, the well-being of the whole body is greatly enhanced. Removing the toxins out of the body-system allows the body to do what it was designed to do - heal itself! Colonic Hydrotherapy has been found to be the most effective process available to accomplish this work quickly and easily.

#4 - (Q) What are the specific benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy?

(A) The top four are:
(1)It aids in the release of toxins and fecal matter from the gastrointestinal tract.
(2) Cleanses the blood.
(3) Jump starts and empowers the immune system.
(4) Helps to restore the proper ph balance in the colon and the body.

#5 - (Q) What about enemas, suppositories, or laxatives?

(A) Enemas are great! An enema is a home administered treatment, useful when you cannot get in for a colonic. They are mostly useful for emptying the rectum - the lowest 8 to 12 inches of the colon only. A colon hydrotherapy session allows water to reach and clean the entire 5-6 feet of the colon. According to Dr. Norman Walker, one of the original medical advocates of colon cleansing, "One colonic irrigation is equivalent to 30 enemas." Suppositories are intended to stimulate a bowel movement when constipation is already present. It will only empty a small portion of the fecal contents. Laxatives, prescription or 'natural', are at the very least major irritants to your colon, and at the worst poisons. In the body's attempt to eliminate the laxative, some fecal contents are removed also. All forms of laxatives are temporary measures only - needing larger quantities over time, causing irritation to the mucosal wall, disturbance to the pH environment, often dehydration and shut down of your own peristalsis, causing a dependency on the laxative.

#6 - (Q) Will one session empty the colon? How many sessions will I need?

(A) Not likely. Many of us have a considerable amount of impacted feces that has hardened, and is a rubbery or wallpaper-like material. Sometimes it takes substantial work to remove it. One colonic will remove some of the stagnant waste - the second and subsequent treatments will remove more. The number of colonics you need or wish to have depends on your goals, intestinal health, dietary habits and lifestyle choices; basically your personal starting point and health objectives. Having one colonic is the first step towards renewed health and vitality. During your initial visit, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, you will also see what I see, and you feel the results - so with that information and my feedback and guidance, you'll be able to design a program for yourself as to how many sessions will be helpful for you.

#7 - (Q) How often should I have a colonic?

(A) Everyone has different needs. After your initial visit, we can discuss as to how many and how often you might want to schedule sessions. I generally recommend at least doing a mini-series of 3 colonics to appreciate what colonics can do for your body. Some people initially need minimum of series (6 - 12) or more sessions when you are not experiencing healthy bowel movements following every meal. Consistent colonics and healthy BM's are the beginning of improving the large intestine to function well. These sessions are generally scheduled no more than 72 hours apart.
Follow-up sessions must be within close proximity of each other especially when you are not experiencing multiple healthy daily BM's. For the best results we suggest home techniques between colonic sessions, which are scheduled weekly.
Norman Walker, one of the original medical advocates of colon cleansing, recommends that 'even "healthy looking' clients should have at least two series of 6 colon hydrotherapy sessions a year.' Regular clients may have maintenance colonics from once or twice a month, to once every three months. There is no wrong way to do this, except to not do this. Health and cleansing are not something you 'do' and then cross off your list any more than brushing your teeth. You'll be seeing what I'm seeing, you'll be feeling the results, and you can help design a program that works best for you.

#8 - (Q)Do I need to fast before a colonic?

(A) Although there are dietary suggestions and recommendations that can assist you in having a successful colon therapy session, fasting isn't necessary. If you are familiar with fasting you may know it is a good thing to do in conjunction with colonics. If you've never fasted before, I recommend having a colonic first and learning more about your body's needs before jumping into a fast.

#9 - (Q) Will this benefit me as part of a fasting program?

(A) Yes! Fasting causes / allows your body's cells to release stored toxins directly into the bloodstream, to be delivered to the colon (and other secondary channels) for elimination. If your colon is sluggish, stuck, full or all clogged up, or if your body is releasing toxins at a rate faster than your colon is eliminating them, guess what happens? You suck them right back up into the bloodstream (a process known as auto-intoxication - poisons in the bloodstream), thereby re-experiencing them. So, whenever you do anything that increases the rate at which toxins enter the bloodstream, as they will with fasting, it is essential that the colon is eliminating rapidly and efficiently. If it isn't - you may unnecessarily experience increase discomforts of toxemia. This process can feel pretty yucky, is why most people don't feel so great while (and are therefore nervous about) fasting. (I believe it is also why most of America believes it is 'hypo-glycemic, and that they 'need' to eat so often. Please read What is Auto-intoxication? on the forms & info page.

#10 - (Q) How do I prepare for a colonic? What can I eat and not eat before or after a colonic?

(A) The simplest way is to refrain from eating or drinking for two to four hours prior to your treatment. For those who want to do a more involved preparation, others options such as juicing, fasting or an herbal cleansing program can be helpful. Anything you do to put your body in a cleansing mode can be beneficial but not essential. If you haven't begun any special preparation and are confused as to where to start then just do the simple preparation and come in for your first colonic and we will discuss the many options for deeper cleansing. Please read 'How to prepare for a Colon Hydrotherapy Session' on the forms & info page. Other than that, keep breathing, relax as best you can and keep a positive, upbeat attitude. Remember, coming in for your first colonic can be a little scary. We all went through that. You will do great and remember the gift you are offering to your body is profound!

#11 - (Q) Is colon hydrotherapy dangerous in any way? Is there any possibility of contamination from prior use of the colon hydrotherapy machine or tubing?

(A) Colon hydrotherapy is a safe, effective way of cleansing the large intestine. My modern FDA-registered Dotolo Toxygen closed-system instrument is high temperature cleaned and sanitized between each session with an anti-bacterial solution. The water filtration system is state of the art, utilizing a 4-stage filtration process including: .5 micron particle filters, ceramic filters, charcoal filters and finally ultra-violet light (rendering anything that could possibly be left in the water at that point benign) - removing all toxins, microorganisms and chlorine from the water. I only use pre-packaged, one time use, disposable speculums and tubing. Cleanliness and sanitation are top priorities in my studio.

#12 - (Q) Is colon hydrotherapy painful?

(A) Rarely! And I wouldn't say 'painful', although there are different types of discomfort that can be experienced. Many people say the sessions are easier and more relaxing than they thought they might be. Following a hydrating and cleansing diet 36-48 hours prior to your colonic is a good way to avoid potential discomfort. Usually an uncomfortable colonic experience is the result of dehydration, eating particularly clogging foods in the days prior, gas, or resistance and tension. You can also experience cramps due to strong peristalsis (muscular contractions). This is a healthy sign telling us that the colon is working, doing its job to move waste out of the body. Most people are pleasantly surprised at how relaxing and comfortable a colonic treatment can be, and they can actually enjoy the colonic and are especially pleased with the unaccustomed sensation of feeling lighter, clean, and clear afterward.

#13 - (Q) Is colon hydrotherapy embarrassing?

(A) I'd like to say 'not at all', but like everything else in life it totally depends on the person and how they handle things. But rest assured, unless you bring a guest, support, or a cheering section (it happens...), it is just you and I in a private room. I fully appreciate the sensitivity of the procedure. You will be lying back on the bed - fully covered - while the water gently washes the colon - eliminating the waste. Some people get a little embarrassed when they first see their poo float by, but they usually not only get over it, they get into it.

#14 - (Q) What about the insertion of the tubing (speculum)? Does that hurt and how far into the body does it go?

(A)Unlike many years ago when colon therapists attempted to insert the tubing very deep or high into the colon, hence the name "High Colonics", today the rounded, lubricated tube is gently inserted only 1-2 inches into the rectum only. Most of my clients do their own insertion and I will then set it in just the right place and connect all the tubes for an easy, effective treatment. And no, the insertion doesn't hurt although it may feel a bit odd the first time.

#15 - (Q) How about the treatment itself? What is it like and what will I feel?

(A) During the treatment you are lying comfortably on a plush massage table, propped up and covered at all times. The process is one of gently filling the colon with water which may last from 30 seconds to 5 minutes or more. Each fill time will be different. The water coming into the body usually enters so gently that you can hardly feel it. During the fill cycle you may feel a little rumbling in your tummy or gassy or crampy or you may feel relaxed and peaceful. Whatever you are feeling during your treatment is perfectly normal. Any sensations are signs that the water is doing its job of loosening and softening accumulated waste in the colon. Remember, the colon is a muscular system and moves waste out of the body by a series of muscular contractions known as peristaltic action. When you feel crampy during a colonic treatment your colon is getting ready to move waste out of the body. The crampiness may feel a bit uncomfortable but it is a sign that the colon is doing exactly what we want it to do and that is to move waste out. People with a history of constipation have, for whatever reason, lost some or all of their peristaltic action. My job as a therapist is to help the muscular system of the colon regain its ability to contract which makes for regular, easy bowel movements.

#16 - (Q) How long does a colonic take?

(A) The first session with me is 90 minutes. This includes our initial meeting during which we will review your health history and goals. I will go over any questions you may have before the session, assuming you've already read the recommended information sheets for a first time client on the info & forms page. The colonic itself can last anywhere from 30-50 minutes, during which we are both watching and discussing the results as they occur. Afterwards we sit down together and I will provide a general assessment of the session and give you an opportunity to ask any further questions. I offer individualized recommendations based on your session. How many more (if any) colonics or what kind of program you might need can be discussed at this time. Follow up colonic sessions are booked by the hour although you will be receiving the actual colonic for 30-50 minutes.

#17 - (Q) Will I lose weight?

(A) You will lose waste. Ridding the body of excess waste helps your body to metabolize more efficiently. You will become more conscious of what foods you are putting into your body and how your body processes those foods. I have seen many clients improve their diet and exercise regime when they start having colonics. I will encourage you to make healthy dietary choices and support you in your weight loss goals.

#18 - (Q) How much of the intestines are actually cleansed during a colon hydrotherapy session?

(A) During a treatment it is possible for a professional colon therapist to cleanse the entire length of the colon. This depends entirely on the amount of waste packed into a colon, and its hydration level - its readiness and availability to be released. The small intestine is not directly cleansed by the water of a colonic because of the presence of the ileo-cecal valve. The ileo-cecal valve is a one-way valve which does not allow water or waste to pass from the large intestine back to the small intestine. Although we do find that some waste from the small intestine will release during a colonic, to specifically address cleansing the small intestine an oral form of cleansing, using herbs, is necessary.

#19 - (Q) What can I expect afterwards?

(A) Clients generally report a feeling of lightness and sometimes even increased mental clarity and energy.

#20 - (Q) After a colonic, will I need to be close to the toilet all day?

(A) Usually clients release everything while they are in my office as there is time to finish on the toilet before you go. There can be exceptions to this, of course, but most clients continue their day without urgency to eliminate.

#21 - (Q) Can I go to work after a colonic?

(A) Yes, you can absolutely go to work after a colonic.

#22 - (Q) Will I experience any intestinal discomfort or fatigue after my treatment?

(A) Usually not, but since the cleansing will stir up a lot of old debris and toxins, depending on what you have in there, you might experience some minor symptoms of residual cleansing such as fatigue, nausea, headache, cramps, bloating, etc. Until you know how your body will react to treatments, if you can rest for a short while after a colonic that is recommended but most people feel fine and continue on with their day.

#23 - (Q) What kind of supplements should I take after my session? Will I need to take probiotics (because the good intestinal flora has been washed out of the colon)? (/br>
(A) Each client has different needs and after a session I may suggest supplements that I think will help you. Products I usually recommend include fiber, probiotics and digestive enzymes. If you are on a cleanse regime, or have specific constipation issues, I may suggest temporarily using herbs to support movement. Prior to treatments our bodies are generally so toxic that it is questionable how much good bacteria has survived and is present in the gut. I usually recommend taking some form of probiotic ("friendly bacteria") following a treatment but not because the treatment washes out intestinal flora. Colon hydrotherapy treatments do not wash out intestinal flora. Taking probiotics subsequent to a treatment is beneficial because is helps to improve the bacterial balance and the ph in the colon. The best method is to implant the flora rectally after your last session. Please read information sheet on Probiotic Implantation.

#24 - (Q) After my colon is clean, then what?

(A) Once the colon is clean, it would be ideal to keep it that way. Start to understand and believe that your health is in your hands, and no one else's. You have choices, power and responsibility. Life happens, stress happens, dietary slips happen - we keep eating, breathing and bringing in toxins - so coming in for a series or two a year, and / or any regular type maintenance that feels right to you.

#25 - (Q) Can I have a colonic if I am having a period?

(A) Yes! I'm more than fine with it if you are! In fact, it is usually an excellent time to have a colonic; since your body is already in cleansing mode. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment. I generally do not recommend wearing a tampon during a colonic, but if that is how you are most comfortable, by all means go ahead. I definitely request that you change your tampon after the colonic - and I usually have extras in case you forget to bring one.

#26 - (Q) Can I have a colonic if I am pregnant?

(A) Yes, if you are between 3-6 months pregnant AND your physician write a script stating so. The chances of miscarriage are highest during the first trimester, so it is best to play it safe. As the pregnancy progresses, increased progesterone may slow peristalsis so constipation may ensue. Colonics may help with this. However, after 6 months, colonics may induce premature labor and too much fluid in the membranes surrounding the fetus may put pressure on the diaphragm and cause extreme discomfort.

#27 - (Q) How soon after the childbirth can I have a colonic? Can I have one while I am nursing?

(A) Wait at least 6 weeks to heal and recover from childbirth before having a colonic. You can have a colonic while you are nursing. If you are coming in because of constipation, a colonic is much better than a laxative. You don't want your baby to feel the effects of a laxative, and everything you consume orally will pass through the breast milk.

#28 - (Q) Are colonics habit forming? Will I become dependant on them?

(A) Actually, colonics have a toning effect on the colon. They stimulate the colon muscles and remind them how to work. I like to think of them as 'colon-aerobics'. Physically, colonics are not habit forming. Your body will not become reliant on them to eliminate.

#29 - (Q) Will a colonic make me constipated or give me diarrhea?

(A) Depending on how slow your actual 'transit time' (rate at which waste moves through the bowels) is, it can seem like you are constipated after a colonic. In actuality, sometimes if there is a full release during your session, you may not have a bowel movement the next day, as we have emptied your colon of most solid waste. This doesn't mean that you are constipated. On the other hand, if you do not fully release during a session there may be residual water in your colon that you may release later in the day.

#30 - (Q) Will colonics upset my electrolyte balance?

(A) Electrolytes are minerals in the body (mainly sodium and potassium salts) that maintain the proper electrical charge and pH in the various organs and tissues of the body. Honestly, most people's pH is pretty out of whack at this point, supporting and maintaining a more harmful population of bacteria and yeast, causing all sorts of problems. The best thing we can do it some 'house cleaning' and then put the good minerals and electrolytes back in.

#31 - (Q) After years of constipation and/or laxative use, is it possible to rebuild my colon so that I can go to the bathroom regularly again?

(A) Know this: regular, long term use of laxatives can destroy the nerve endings that innervate the colon allowing for strong peristaltic action and easy bowel movements. Laxatives (even herbal laxatives like Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Turkey Rhubarb or various forms of Aloe) are all irritants to the colon. The colon perceives them as irritants and will force contractions of the colon to get rid of the irritant and at the same time and almost by default move stool out of the body. When the nerve endings are destroyed through long term use of laxatives the colon becomes exhausted and sluggish and often requires greater potency and frequency of laxatives to get the bowels moving. This is tough situation, and one many S.A.D eaters find themselves in. My (and your) goal is to help break the cycle of laxative dependency and allow a person to move their bowels without the use of laxatives. This can take some time... ask yourself, how long have you been dependant on laxatives? It is a challenging situation that can be corrected, but not often over night, and certainly not in one session, or even usually one series. And you cannot underestimate the importance of diet and water here.

#32 Five Essential Steps to Regaining Healthy Bowel Function:

1. Colonics- the first step is to thoroughly clean out the old waste of the colon. With old debris still present it is difficult for the colon to work at its maximum efficiency. Be prepared to do a series or two (6 - 12) colonics. Regular colonics over time helps to rebuild the peristaltic action of the colon.

2. Restore- a healthy environment in the colon. We may suggest the use of a probiotic (friendly bacteria) or a "Probiotic Implantation"process- an implant of 21 strains of highly viable, living, beneficial bacteria directly into the colon.

3. Diet- will be addressed. Diet is vitally important to colon health, so I'll discuss with you how your diet is either helping or hurting your progress.

4. Exercise- is one important step to help increase a sluggish metabolism's efficiency. A sluggish colon can be a sign of a slowed down metabolism.

5. Emotions and Stress - these two factors alone play a crucial role in the health and vitality of your whole being, let alone the health and vitality of your colon. The colon represents the ability to "Let Go". Or, in other words, "What s**t are you holding on to"? For those who are willing to look at these aspects of themselves this can make a huge difference!

#33 - (Q) What are some other ways to cleanse?

(A) I always recommend starting your cleansing program with cleaning the colon through colonics. After that, or in conjunction with, your series of colonics I may recommend doing a deeper herbal cleanse which addresses the entire body or focuses on specific conditions like liver and gallbladder cleansing, candida (yeast over growth), parasites or heavy metal toxicity.

#34 - (Q) Are colonics covered by my medical insurance?

(A) Unfortunately, colonics are not covered by medical insurance. Some flex-spending healthcare plans do cover colon hydrotherapy. Check with your provider. Also check into Eclectic Health, an outstanding community of wellness care providers representing over 35 different modalities, and their Integrative Wellness Discount Card.

#35 - (Q) Should I see my doctor before my first colon hydrotherapy session and are there any contra-indications for doing treatments?

(A) You have a concern about your health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy you should consult a doctor.

#36 - (S.) Indications and Contra-Indications for Colon Hydrotherapy.

The history and physical examination of the patient (by his/her physician) would dictate the need for colon hydrotherapy in the overall treatment plan. Colon hydrotherapy has been shown to be beneficial for the following conditions:

* Acute Fecal Impaction
* Constipation
* Colitis
* Diarrhea
* Parasitic Infection
* Atonic Colon (loss of muscle tone)
* Mucous Colitis
* Fever Therapy
* Hyper/Hypothermia
* Abdominal Distention/ Bloating/Flatulence
* Intestinal Toxemia
* Irritable Bowel Syndrome
* Leaky Gut
* Diverticulosis
* Prevention
* Balance Physiologic Flora of Colon (Friendly Bacteria)
* Preparation of diagnostic study of the large intestine
* Preparation for a Barium Enema
* Preparation for a Sigmoidoscopy
* Preparation for a Colonoscopy
* Prior to Surgery
* Hemorrhoids (present but not currently inflamed)
* Nutrient Supplementation via Rectum

Indications under prescription and direct physician supervision.

* Diverticulosis
* Ulcerative Colitis
* Crohn's Disease

Contra-Indications for Colon Hydrotherapy

* Severe Cardiac Disease (uncontrolled hypertension of congestive heart failure)
* Aneurysm
* Severe Anemia
* GI Hemorrhage/perforation
* Diverticulitis
* Severe Hemorrhoids
* Cirrhosis
* Carcinoma of the Colon (Colon Cancer)
* Fissures/Fistulas
* Advanced Pregnancy
* Abdominal Hernia
* Recent Colon Surgery
* Renal Insufficiency

Angel of Water - 45 sec. animation of a Colon Hydrotherapy Session


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TX: Naturally Balanced Health: Naturally Balanced Health - Holistic Wellness
All Articles, Information, Logos, and trademarks connected with every page are the intellectual property of Dr. Suzanne Joy Stuart,
Ph.D. ND and cannot be reused or resold without her prior consent. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.